Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Landscape & Portrait Monitor

 A few months ago I bought a new 2nd monitor for my laptop. I wanted to have a display that can switch between landscape and portrait. This monitor does the job well. I chose this one because the resolution is different from most other monitors. Most monitors handle 1920x1080, where as this monitor handles 1920x1200. Especially in portrait having a monitor that can handle a width of 1200 by 1920 deep allows me to view many websites without having to scroll too much.

Switching between landscape and portrait is done with both AutoHotKey and 12noon Display Changer, since switching via windows takes way too long.

The two hotkeys that I created are Win+PgUp and Win+PgDn.

run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\12noon Display Changer\dc64cmd.exe" -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY2" -rotate=up

run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\12noon Display Changer\dc64cmd.exe" -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY2" -rotate=right

The only downside is that the viewing angle in portrait is a little more critical than in landscape.

Also during unpacking, the monitor base, which can move the monitor up and down, was locked in the lowest position with a locking pin. Nowhere does the manual tell you to slightly press the monitor base down to remove the locking pin.